IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017

Shooter Photos IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017

IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017 Here are some photos of the IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017, you will recognize shooters such as Thierry Obriot, Emile Obriot, Remy […]
worldshoot 2017

Results IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017

Results IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017   Good IPSC Handgun Worldshoot 2017 for the French National team ! The National Center of Tir Sportif has shown […]
IPSC Worldshoot 2017 flessel Grauffel

Photos IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017

Photos IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017 I will be in Châteauroux Saturday to make some photos and videos of this Worldshoot 2017 and to support […]
worldshoot 2017

IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017

IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017 The IPSC Handgun World Shoot 2017 will take place at the National Sports Target Center at Châteauroux from 27th of […]

Youtube Channel

Videos from competitions and training sessions
CDF TSV Handgun 2017

French National Handgun Championship 2017

French National Handgun Championship 2017 The 2017 IPSC Handgun French National Championships will take place in the new National Center of Sports Shooting in Châteauroux […]
EEO 2017

Extreme Euro Open 2017

Extreme Euro Open 2017 Late here is my feedback on my first participation in the Extreme Euro Open 2017 in the Czech Republic. It’s quite […]
DM Rifle 2017

DM Rifle 2017

DM Rifle 2017 DM Rifle 2017 was shot last weekend in Germany. It was my first match since the French championships where I broke my […]
champagne trophy 2017

Champagne Trophy 2017

Champagne Trophy 2017 This weekend I shoot the Champagne Trophy 2017 in Vertus, match IPSC Handgun Level 3. It is always a very technical match […]

I started IPSC in 2012 at Pontoise shooting in Production with a CZ SP 01. We had to migrate to AST Roissy quickly following the closure of the IPSC section in Pontoise.

In 2013 I started shooting Rifle with an AR 15 from BGM (XBR 15 in 14.5) in Open Semi-Auto . I love Rifle even if not many competitions are avaialble in France. I think it’s more technical because of the distances and the management of the scope (Swarovski Z8i).

I moved to Production Optics since the division was available following a failed surgery on my right eye. I see blurry at all distances with it now 🙁

I shoot matches in France, Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Slovakia, Serbia …. While waiting to cross the Atlantic or to fly in Asia 🙂

Since 2019, I am Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun Range Officier and Handgun Instructor.

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    Championnat d eFrance Rifle Herve Dhelin