European Handgun Championship 2023
Champagne Trophy 2024
2024-05-13Results European Handgun Championships 2023
Much delayed….here’s my report on the European Handgun Championships 2023 in Greece. We shot this EHC 23 in sunny Corinth. As there weren’t enough slots in the Main match for the French shooters (SIC), I shot it in the Pre-match, which was a real main match and not the referees’ or sponsors’ match.
There were 24 stages to shoot over 4 half-days (with a rest day in the middle) for around 400 shots. Departure via Transavia without too many problems, with weapons and ammunition on board. The return journey was a little more complicated, with a Transavia employee getting a little overzealous. It was finally sorted out when the policeman checking our weapons told him it was enough and that we were good to go.
The stand and courses were very well organized. I left with some ammunition of my own, in addition to the Match Geco ammunition I’d bought. However, the big problem was that I had 2 incidents (Missfire), where the primers weren’t deep enough – more than 25 out of the 500 cartridges I’d bought! That’s not very serious on Geco’s part. They changed the sets for the Main match shooters. At the 2017 Worldshoot in France, one of our shooters had cartridges without powder…Always with Geco!
Disappointing results.
In addition to the ammunition problems, I also had (as at the worldshoot in Thailand) 2 jams that cost me time on long courses. Yet I had new extractors and disconnectors from IPSCSTORE. It turns out that the problem was with one of my chargers, which must be about ten years old. Since I put it away, I’ve had no more problems with it jamming. A good lesson, but too long to understand.
But the biggest problem was that I didn’t shoot it very well! Apart from the magazine problem and the bad Gecco ammunition, my CZ Shadow 2 worked fine, and there were no problems with my Shield RMSx 4MOA red dot either. The problem always comes from what’s behind the gun…US 🙂
I finished 13th in Production Optics Super Senior at 80% of 1st Super Senior. Not a good competition.
Here are the videos of the opening ceremony and the 4 half) days of shooting.