Hoster Ghost Hydra
Dry Fire
2022-01-29Shield RMSx Red Dot
I received today from Shield the brand new red dot they are releasing the 26th of November for competitive shooters, I named the new Shield RMSx red dot.
It’s a big evolution from the previous version the RMS 2. I used Shield red dots since 2018 and the new Production Optic division in IPSC. I used the original version the Shield Mini Sight, it was a red to with Polymer and lens body. Very reliable, I shot more than 50,000 rounds with any failure. The only tricky thing was the cleaning of this lens which requires a specific product to not damage the lens. I after use the RMS original version with aluminum body to the SMS 2 and RMS 2 with glass lenses. I have now shot more than 100,000 rounds with them, still no failure.
One complain from some shooters (mostly coming from Open Division) was the small size of the lens. I never had any problem with that, I am coming from Production, so shooting with a front sight to align on the rear sight, moving to a red dot was a big improvement it was much easier for me to aim and get a fast good sight picture.
Anyway, Shield Sights is releasing this new RMSx red dot with a 80% wider lens, it is cinemascope now :-). The lens is made with a crystal clear Hard Dip Coated Acrylic lens, like what we have on our glasses, so no problem to clean the red dot easily. They are available in 4 and 8 MOA.
They also changed the Led for a more efficiency one but all that with the same footprint, so if you have a plate for the Shield SMS or RMS red dots, the new RMSx will fit without any problem. The lens size is: 42X34X33 mm.
It is still very light, 17,5 grams on the balance ! Powered with a CR2032 battery that will last between 1 to 2 years.
It is available in 8 colors on the online customizer of the Shield web site. Retail price will be 400€. Because of Brexit we cannot order anymore from the site if we are un Europe, we have to go from their dealers. You can find the French ones here on their web site.
I had only the chance to shoot one evening with one of them attached to my CZ Shadow 2 Prod Optic Ready, it is true that with a wider lens it is easier to find the dot when we are not still stable arriving or departing from a shooting area. It is also easier to keep the red dot during the recoil and during transition between targets. For sure my 2 CE Shadow 2 will wear one for the next shooting season !