Automatic decapping machine
Shield RMSx Red dot for Production Optic
2022-04-03Arras Spring Cup 2022
This Sunday was organized the Arras Spring Cup 2022 match, a Level II Handgun and PPC match. 6 stages to shoot in half a day for 160 rounds. 3 stages were shot in the 25M and 50M and 3 other stages in the corridors of the old fort….The most fun part. Except that this year, in the tunnel they had only put mini paper. It was necessary to be more precise and laid, which I did not do obviously. I rushed on plates and poppers that I had to double or triple, a shame because they were not very far! For once I moved correctly. I ran when I had to, I shot a few targets on the move.
I shot a bobber correctly by making 3 waiting targets, I had to wait for it 1/2 second. On the other hand 2 completely screwed up 2 flat bobber which was not far. An obvious lack of concentration! Same thing on a rack of 5 plates at not even 10m, I miss 2….
My 2022 Gear
I shot this first match of the year still in Production Optic with my CZ Shadow 2 PO Ready with the new Shield RMSx red dot. I had prepared my Shows with the Eemann Tech upgrade kits. I have been using the new Double Alpha “Lynx” belt for a few months now, along with the new Ghost Hydra holster from IPSCSTORE.
I have had no problems with my weapon or the red dot. I’m at over 100,000 rounds with my Shield red dots. I did have one non-started percussion incident with Fiocchi primers.
It was also the first time I used my new onboard camera, a DJI, in a match. You can judge on the video.
The Results
Well, it won’t remain a great game for me. Out of 6 training courses I think I shot only 1 of them more or less correctly…And still! I’ll blame it on the lack of competitions since 2 years. I was ranked in Senior (I was the only super senior in Optic Production), I finished first at 72,51%, but it was not glorious. There is work to be done.
The AST Roissy team, as usual, took a lot of places … PIM PIM !
The ranking of this Arras Spring Cup 2022 here
The video of the 6 courses. Thanks to Damien for the outside shots !