42nd General Assembly of the IPSC
CZ SP01 Shadow Production Optics
2019-02-022019 IPSC Rule Books
Here are the latest 2019 Rule Books updated with information for the new Divisions: Production Optics, Optics Light Production, Caliber Carabin Pistol.
What some shooters are waiting for is whether or not the gun slide can be milled to install the red dots into Production Optics. The information is contradictory depending on the sources … Not easy to navigate!
The passage of the Rule Book that interests us is here:
- 18.2 Aftermarket open and optical/electronic sights (see Rules and and mounting plates are permitted, provided their installation and/or adjustment requires no alteration to the handgun other than the milling of the slide in order to facilitate the installation of an optical/electronic sight.
So slide milling is allowed by this rule, which is found in appendix 4a of the 2019 Rule Book Handgun. There is the same rule for the Production Optics Light Division.
If someone has conflicting information, please share it so we can discuss it.
Handgun Rule Book 2019
Rifle Rule Book 2019
Shotgun Rule Book 2019
PCC Rule Book 2019
Mini-Rifle Rule Book 2019