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2021-10-22Dillon 650 press customization with Armanov accessories
To fluidify the use of my Dillon 650 press dedicated to the reloading of 9X19, I installed some Armanov accessories found on the site www.ipscstore.com.
The first accessory was the plastic bottle that we put to receive the primers during the recalibration, the 650 is a very good press but many primers jumped and did not end up in the tray to receive them and we found them everywhere in the room … Not cool, Armanov thought about it, it’s not rocket science but what a joy 🙂
I then changed the Dillon tool tray for the red one from Armanov, it is fixed with 2 BTR screws instead of 2 nails. The plate is really adjusted firmly to the press, there is no more play. I also tested the tool nuts, the Dillon wrench doesn’t always fit between the tools to tighten or loosen them.
I installed the CLICKABLE POWDER THROWER ADJUSTMENT KNOB, it helps to know on which side to turn the screw to increase or decrease the doses of powder. It also makes it easier to know which side to turn the screw to increase or decrease the powder dosage.
To fluidify the movement during the cycle, I installed the INDEX BEARING CAM BLOCK, there is a small wheel that fluidifies the movement on the cam during the cycle.
One of the most interesting accessory is the PRIMER STOP SWITCH which allows to stop the rotation of the primer distributor plate when we have to fix a problem and avoid that the new primers fall in the receptacle and on the ground…Because often they go down too fast and end up on the ground. I also put the little cover from Armanov to avoid that if I forget to disengage the PRIMER STOP SWITCH 🙂
You can find all these accessories on ipscstore.com